
ReportServer DB vs ReportServerTempDB

Difference between ReportServer Database and ReportServerTempDB in SSRS

ReportServer Database
What it stores ?
It Stores information about the report schema, report property, data sources, parameters, stores the folder hierarchy, report Execution log.
What it stores ?
It stores only the cached copy of the report data.
How long it exists ?
It always exists until changes on the RDL Schema.
How long it exists ?
It expires based on Expiry settings.
How it helps ?
It helps to access the structure.
How it helps ?
It helps to improve the performance of report execution as it is loading data from cache.
Whether data will exist during / after service restart ?
Data always exists during SSRS service restarts.
Whether data will exist during / after service restart ?
Services restarts will clear the Temp Data.

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